Matlinly (Tin) is 8 years old from St Paul, Minnesota, and loves to dance. This will be her 4th year of competitive dance at Larkin Dance Studio. Matinly loves all types of dances, however, tap is one of her favorites.  Matnily looks up to and is inspired by her two older sisters Including many other Larkin dancers and Larkin teachers who not only challenge her but cheer her on saying, “Get it Tin”.  Matinly's big heart and her love for her teachers and friends drive her to be her best. Matinly’s biggest accomplishment so far was finishing 5th place in the overall pewee division and 1st place for her duet at the 2023 Dance Awards in Las Vegas.  She has been recognized as a Future Star and Regional Outstanding Finalist at the NYCDA, the 2023  Jazz Icon Award winner at Showbiz, and 2023 Top 10 soloist at Hall of Fame.
When Matinly is not dancing she loves to play the piano, go to school, and do gymnastics but mostly enjoys spending time with friends.
Being chosen as a BittyBE ambassador is a huge honor. She is looking forward to not only wearing the cutest SimplyBE dancewear but also getting to meet all her new talented BittyBE friends from across the country.
Matinly's favorite BE motto is BE kind and BE a good friend to All!

IG: @matinlyconrad